ADD/ADHD Counseling
If you’re an adult struggling to cope with ADHD, everyday life can present you with various challenges. You may have difficulty managing work and personal relationships, meeting demands at work and at home, as well as taking care of your own health and well-being.
There are three primary characteristics of ADHD: Inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, though all three aren’t always prominent in one adult.
Adults with ADHD may:
- Have trouble staying focused or get easily distracted
- Appear not to be listening when spoken to
- Constantly fidget and squirm
- Talk excessively
- Act without thinking
- Interrupt often, or say the wrong thing at the wrong time
- Have a quick temper or “short fuse”
- Forgetful
Whether or not your symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are due to ADHD, they can cause problems if left untreated. Adults who can’t focus or sustained interest or easily distracted . These frustrations can later lead to low self-esteem as well as friction for the whole family.
Treatment can make a dramatic difference in your symptoms. With the right support, you can get on track for success in all areas of life.